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Gerhard Lowe

So you have the same wish I once had: find that timetabling program that at a click of a button creates a beautiful, clash free, well balanced timetable for your school. Well, forget it!

There are two options:

  • Use an automatic timetable generator

  • Use a manual timetable generator

Both options have in common that basic data needs to get entered.

I chose to design InClass to be a manual timetable creation program with automatic checking  for clashes and many other editing options e.g. you can not create a clash. Create classes and blocks (classes that need to get timetabled at the same time) and point and click to place on the timetable.

Timetabling is the job of coordinating the five elements:  Forms, Teachers, Rooms, Periods and daily changes. The co-ordination needs to be done while keeping in mind the academic plan of the school.

This highly difficult task can be eased by using the power of the computer to prevent clashes and on the other hand allows for  sensible placing of lessons due to the timetabler’s knowledge of the school’s physical layout to reduce movement through the school.

Once a working timetable is completed, InClass also caters for the daily organisation by supplying the daily organiser with  the tools needed.

A timetabling program also needs to cater for changes during the academic year and to apply these changes as easy as can be.

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